“Lead me to those genuinely seeking the truth about Jesus,” Rady* prayed as he sat down at his desk to open the database of the Shabibah (meaning “youth” in Arabic) web portal. To his joy, he discovered that many emails had come in. Rady started to answer them.

One of the emails had come from Damascus, Syria. Magdy* had met Christian neighbours and, realising he did not know much about Christ, had written to find out more and ask for a Bible. Rady was excited to answer his request. He sent a copy of the Bible and waited to hear from him. In a few days, Magdy wrote again, to say that he was enjoying reading the Bible and felt drawn to Jesus the King. He wanted to know more.  

Rady wasted no time: he explained to him who Jesus is, why he came, and the need to be saved. Shortly afterwards, Magdy responded by saying that he believed that Jesus is able to cleanse him from his sins because Jesus is the Saviour and that he wants to live in the light – as a Christian. Magdy also asked if he could go to church and be baptised.

The Shabibah team was able to put him in touch with a local pastor in Damascus, who discovered that Magdy is serving in the army and located in a very troubled part of the country. Since it was difficult to meet up, Magdy receives Bible verses from the team to encourage him and they continue to pray for him.

Shabibah outreach is part of Arab Focus Media which is based in France and works in partnership with UFM Worldwide. There are multiple such stories in this ministry, where we find ourselves providing a spiritual lifeline to those in isolated and dangerous places. It is one of the reasons why we are involved in media ministry to the Arab world.

Shabibah outreach is part of Arab Focus Media and works in partnership with UFM Worldwide.

Correspondence through the Shabibah website is one of the many tools we use to share the gospel. Our vision is to see Christ glorified among the unreached peoples living in the twenty-one countries of the Arab world. 

To see this vision fulfilled, we also use satellite broadcasting. A typical Christian satellite television programme in the Middle East can draw as many as eight million viewers. Arab Focus Media is currently preparing to launch a new TV series entitled “A new Dawn of Hope”, comprising 10 high definition 30-minute episodes, in which guests from different regions of the Arab world discuss how we apply our Christian faith in society.

A typical Christian satellite television programme in the Middle East can draw as many as eight million viewers.

The discussions are enhanced by dramatic and moving real-life stories of Christians who have responded in faith to the call of God on their lives and had a lasting influence for good in society. We are filming stories about characters such as C.S. Lewis, Amy Carmichael, Oswald Chambers and Edith Schaeffer. The series will also be broadcast on Shabibah in order to reach more people.

With so many turning to Christ in the region, training and discipleship are key to gospel progress.

With so many turning to Christ in the region, training and discipleship are key to gospel progress. An online interactive discipleship course is being developed; this will help those who are in remote places and have no access to a church, to benefit from studying God’s word for themselves. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. May we see abundant fruit in the months and years to come, because of your prayers and the work of the Holy Spirit in this region.

For more about the ministry of AFM, please contact us at info@afmedia.org

*Names have been changed


M serves in radio, internet and media ministry