What is an Associate Mission Partner?

A UFM Associate Mission Partner is someone set apart by God, sent and supported by a local church, affirmed and facilitated by UFM to be involved in making disciples in a cross-cultural context.

In what situations might an ‘Associate Mission Partner’ title be helpful or more appropriate than that of ‘Mission Partner’?


People who have returned to their home culture and who remain involved in cross cultural ministry, with a view to returning to service in a cross-cultural context.

(For example: a family who has returned home for a time because of family concerns, but is open to returning in the longer term.)


Retired missionaries who still have an active ministry in their former place of service.

(For example: someone taking frequent trips back, together with ongoing involvement in the ministry.)


People based in their home culture, but who have cross-cultural sending church links & can facilitate further ministry through UFM.

(For example: a national believer who serves in their home country and receives cross-cultural UFM teams and receives financial support from a church in another country.)


People facilitating cross-cultural ministry, but who normally serve in other ministries in their home context. 

(For example: a pastor co-ordinating preaching training trips).


If you’re considering serving in long term mission work as an Associate Mission Partner, then the very best place to start is to talk with your church leaders.  We’ll then be delighted to meet with you and your church, helping to explore God’s leading and discussing possible mission openings.

Please contact us at go@ufm.org.uk with any questions.