Gap year placements are available at MusaweNkosi’s children’s home in the eNtoyeni area in Zululand.
MusaweNkosi cares for 40 children on a permanent basis along with a running feeding scheme at nearby eNseleni.
As a volunteer, serving with our associate missionaries Gavin and Elaine Charlton, you will:
- work with the children on their homework each weekday afternoon
- prepare extra lessons for the children to help them catch up on what they have missed in the past
- organise games, crafts and other activities for the children
- assist a the local primary school with an educational programme to improve reading and writing
- support the staff at the feeding scheme with homework, bible lessons and games
- help with the weekly shop for the feeding scheme and children’s home
- accompany community workers during their home visits
You will be part of an international team of volunteers and have opportunities to get involved in other ministry areas with the community and local church.
While it is preferable for volunteers to stay for 10-11 months to help reduce the turnover of personnel for the children, other options are possible. Volunteers will need to provide the cost of flights and medical insurance, as well as approx £200 per month for board and lodging.
You can find more information about MusaweNkosi on their website.