‘It is so encouraging to see God raising up a new generation for church planting ministry in Ivory Coast!’

William Brown, UFM’s Head of Personnel went to Abidjan, Ivory Coast last week to visit some church leaders. ‘I’m thankful for good meetings here in Abidjan, Ivory Coast,’ he says. ‘I met with leaders who shared their vision for mission-sending to neighbouring countries.’


‘This is Timothy and his family (pictured above). My wife, Rosalind and I served with Timothy’s Dad, Pastor Koné (1997-2004). It is our prayer that God will call and equip many more Timothy’s! See 2 Tim 2:2.’



‘Then I met with Pierre,’ continues William, ‘who was sent by a church here in Ivory Coast to do church-planting in Liberia. That day we chatted until 11pm, and it was thrilling to hear his testimony of how his parents first heard the gospel from Christian missionaries in Ivory Coast.’

‘On a map, Pierre showed me the locations where four churches have been planted. As he talked, what impressed me was his zeal for people. I had the impression that the church was strong in Liberia compared to Ivory Coast. Pierre said: “People have the theory and go to church, but they need Jesus! We need good Bible-teaching churches in Liberia.”’

‘“How do you do your evangelism?” I asked. Pierre replied, “I preach Jesus to them, their hearts need to be changed …”

‘Pierre left the next morning at 6am to return to Liberia, a two-day journey to Monrovia. I’m thankful to have met this dear brother sent by a church in Ivory Coast.’


Please pray with us for:

  • the church leaders who have a vision to send their own members as missionaries to unreached people groups in Ivory Coast, and in neighbouring countries
  • biblically faithful churches to be started in West Africa
  • the equipping and training of pastors in Ivory Coast and Liberia
  • more mission sending from West Africa

And the things you have heard [Paul] say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. (2 Tim 2:2)

William Brown is Head of Personnel with UFM Worldwide

Main banner photo: market in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Shutterstock).